Severin’s Hill
When we’re kids, we all believe to be invincible, immortal even. My friends and I were no different. We all thought we were at the center of the universe. We had high aspirations, wanting to be scientists, doctors or astronauts. I was the only one to ever get close to ...
If You Stare Into a Mirror Long Enough, Strange Things Will Happen
Did you ever stare into a mirror for a long period of time? I don’t mean for a few minutes, not to check out your body, but for a truly long time. Try, for example, if you will, staring at your own face. At the beginning it might be normal, ...
The Duckman Cometh
I used to love watching the ducks at my local park. Hell, I used to love ducks. Not anymore, not after what happened. I guess I’m a bit of a loner. Even here, in the big city, I’m the type of guy who’s more torn to walking the city park ...
When I Was a Boy I Found an Abandoned Tree House in the Woods
Marlene was my very first friend, as well as my first love. When I grew up, I had no real friends. I guess I was a bit too odd. I was always dreaming, had my head in the clouds, and was living in a world of my own. During summer ...
The Special Dish
Matthew awoke to an argument. It was the couple next door. “... don’t have all we need...” “... the special dish...” The back of his head throbbed and each word of the barely audible conversation caused a fresh jolt of pain. “... making me go all the way there...” When ...
Uncle Robert’s Basement
Nobody ever expects to find themselves in a ghost story. Yet, I always had a lingering feeling I’d one day find myself in one. The reason was simple, basements. I hate them, always have. I don’t know where this apprehension came from, but they’ve always made me anxious. It didn’t ...
The Yummy Food
Working at a retirement home is a tough job. The hours are long, overtime is a constant, and the pay is low. And yet, I never hated the job. No, I always enjoyed helping people and did my best to guide them through the last years of their life. All ...
I Discovered an Old Elevator at Work – I Wish I Hadn’t
Job hunting can be tough, especially if you’re an idiot like me. Now, I wasn’t exactly an idiot, but I didn’t have much of a qualification to do, well, anything. Even worse, my CV was riddled with blank spots, unemployment time and questionable positions. As you can imagine, my chances ...
Ms. Granger’s Collection
I hated Ms. Granger’s collection from the moment I laid eyes on it. The old lady was the latest in my long line of patients. I’m a caregiver, the live-in type. I’d been working in the field for a decade when I got to know Ms. Granger. She was a ...