Fuck Monsters

Fuck Monsters [Part 8] – The Psychomancer

It’s a new beautiful day in this shitty line of work. Today started out pretty normal. Well, if you can call being woken up at six in the morning by an angry, nagging bitch normal, that is. Turns out Sandra needed my help once again. It was to set up ...

Fuck Monsters [Part 7] – Worst Day on the Job

Let me reiterate how I ended my last part. Fuck this bitch. With bitch, I mean Sandra, obviously. After we’d made our way back and she’d finally had enough of belittling me, she got right back in contact with headquarters. And wouldn’t you know it, she told them all about ...

Fuck Monsters [Part 6] – A New Partner

After yesterday’s shitshow I was depressed, uneasy and restless. It wasn’t just the withdrawals from the alcohol and the damned pills. Neither was it, I have to admit, the knowledge that all those people had died. No, what really fucked me over big time, was the knowledge that headquarters had ...

Fuck Monsters [Part 5] – Sunday Funday

Well, most of you have heard the term Sunday Funday, right? It means getting drunk on Sunday as early as possible, so you pass out in the early afternoon or evening and are fit again come Monday morning. Now, of course, I don’t have a regular schedule. Shit can hit ...

Fuck Monsters [Part 4]- Fuck Swarms

Well, today’s job was simple, at least on paper, that is. It was another D-class signature, a swarm type, meaning a lot of fucking bugs. They are usually not much of a danger when handled quickly and efficiently. And here we have the crucial difference between them and other D-class ...

Fuck Monsters [Part 3] – Fuck Sad Backstories

Well, some of you might wonder how I ended up with this sort of... occupation. It’s not exactly the type of job you pick up on a whim or apply for. No, you could say, fell into it. As I mentioned before, sometimes people are unlucky enough to encounter some ...

Fuck Monsters [Part 2] – Fuck Humanoids

A new day on the job, a new incident to handle. This time it was another D-class incident, but of course, things had to go down the shitter right from the get-go. Today’s incident was a humanoid type. After vermin and beast types, humanoids are the most common ones. While ...

Fuck Monsters [Part 1] – Fuck Mondays

I think we can all agree that Mondays are the worst. Doesn’t matter where you work or what you do, the start of a new week always sucks. It sucks especially hard if you’re crawling through a freaking sewer tunnel at eight in the morning. No, I’m not part of ...

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