The Long Ride – Final Part
Hey there, everyone, sorry for the lack of updates. After what happened on day six, I just needed a few days to get myself together and to get some well-needed rest. Things got out of hand, more so than any other day before, and I’m more than lucky to even ...
The Long Ride – Part 5
Hey there, everyone. I officially made it through day five of the Long Ride. Quite a few things happened today, but while some of them were strange and terrifying, I also had a rather interesting conversation with a fellow passenger. Still trying to figure out what to make of it, ...
The Long Ride – Part 4
Hello there, everyone. Day four is officially over, and it was a strange one to say the last. It was, however, similarly terrifying as the prior day, for… various reasons. As I said, I hadn’t slept and even after I’d typed out the day’s events; I wasn’t able to. Before ...
The Long Ride – Part 3
After last night’s encounter with the group of thugs, I was quite shaken. I didn’t know, however, what day three would hold in store for me… I still kept to my people watching, and I still made up stories about my few lonely companions during the quieter hours, but not ...
The Long Ride – Part 2
Well, the second day of my little journey is over, the one I came to call the Long Ride, and boy, do I have to tell you a few things. Things took a turn for the worse, but more on that later. After sitting in a tram for over twenty-four ...
The Long Ride – Part 1
I came up with the idea for the Long Ride a few days ago. My friends and I had met up on Friday evening to hang out, share some stories, and, of course, to have a few beers. Before long, I ended up completely plastered. As I sat there, trying ...
Hall 37
I bet you’re laughing right now. You probably think I’m just some idiot with a terrible sense of direction. To be honest, you’re right about the latter, but I assure you, what I experienced is no laughing matter. The day I got lost, I was working. Theoretically. My colleague Frank ...
Suitcase Land
What do you do with a room full of old, musty suitcases? That was the first question that came to my mind after I’d had a look through my late uncle’s estate. He’d recently passed away, and as his only living relative, his home fell to me by default. To ...
The Mysterious Key
I always loved the flea market in my city. It wasn’t so much that I needed anything; it was just nice to go there with friends. We’d have a look around at all the things available, have some beers and enjoy the weather. The best time to go was during ...
Old Thomas’ Hatchery
Beggars can’t be choosers, the old saying goes. I’d been unemployed for weeks, when I learned that old Thomas Maier was looking for help around his chicken farm. To be honest, I was weary. I never imagined myself working at a chicken farm, and I wasn’t looking forward to it ...