Short Stories and Other Works of Fiction

The Balcony

The weirdest thing happened tonight. I am confused about it, and I have the feeling I did something very wrong. To make things short, I am a content writer for a magazine, and I work at night. The quiet and the overall atmosphere help me to be more productive. The ...

Costume Party

I don't know what happened to my friend John, but by now I fear for the worst. There's been no word from him for more than a week. I hang out with him and the rest of my friends almost every week. We are your typical group of younger people ...


I always hated hallways, but after today, I never want to enter any of them ever again. What happened tonight scared me beyond anything and twisted some of my sweetest childhood memories into a nightmare. When I was little, I lived in an old farmhouse with the rest of my ...

Aunt Annie’s Ale

There was this small restaurant in the town I grew up in, called Uncle John and Aunt Annie’s. It was your typical small-town diner that served home-cooked meals and was run by a friendly older couple. The two of them must’ve been in their late thirties or early forties when ...


My name is Richard. I’m husband to a beautiful wife and the lucky father of a crafty eight-year-old boy, Thomas. I work from home, as a freelancer in the software field. My wife Lauren is a teacher at our local high school. Since my wife works late hours, I take ...

Alexander the Magnificent’s Magnificent Puppet Show

Over two decades ago, when I was ten years old, I saw Alexander the Magnificent’s Magnificent Puppet Show. What happened back then still haunts me to this day. It was summer break, and I was as typical as a ten-year-old boy could’ve been. Ever since I was in second grade, ...

Night Out

I’m terrified. I’m trying to make sense of what happened last night, but I can’t seem to. Things happened, strange things, but my memory is hazy and scrambled up, but the implications... All right, I’ve got to calm down and start at the beginning. Last night my two best friends ...

Grandpa’s Study

Two days ago my grandpa died and for the first time in over a decade I entered his study. It was old age the doctors said. He was seventy-two years old when his heart simply stopped working. Grandpa was a really nice man. As long as I can think back ...

My roommate changed…

Many university students would agree with me that living in the dorms can be a blast. Here in Germany though, where I go to university, the dorms differ from the typical ones that most people are used to. They are more like flats shared by multiple people, each with his ...

The Gorgon

Have you ever seen someone so disgusting and ugly it makes you gasp for air? I did. As a kid there was an old woman, living in the next town over that had the more than fitting name ‘The Gorgon’. I first heard about her from friends living in the ...

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