14 Outstanding Lovecraftian SCPs Worth Reading
I’m a huge fan of the works of H. P. Lovecraft. He’s one of my favorite horror writers of all time. Therefore, I’m always happy when I come upon true Lovecraftian SCPs. When I went through the SCP-Wiki to create my list of the best SCPs of all time, I ...
6 Weird Meta-SCPs Any SCP-Fan Should Read
Meta-SCPs are amongst the most interesting SCPs on the entire SCP-Wiki. When I put together my list of the best SCPs, I came upon the occasional Meta-SCP. At first, I wasn’t sure what to think about them, and it took some time before they grew on me. Meta-SCPs aren’t necessarily ...
37 Terrifying Horror SCPs Any Fan Should Read
The SCP-Wiki has its roots in the internet horror or creepypasta genre. That’s the reason many early SCPs can be considered Horror SCPs. When I created my list of the best SCPs, I came upon quite a few Horror SCPs. While I enjoyed a lot of other SCPs as well, ...
11 Fantastic Comedy SCPs Worth Reading
When I started putting together my list of the best SCPs, I thought the SCP-Wiki was entirely based on horror. To my surprise, I found that it contains a variety of different genres. While there are the typical creepypasta-like SCPs, there's also science-fiction-SCPs, Meta-SCPs and many other types. Image by ...
34 Keter SCP Any Fan Should Read
When I put together my list of the best SCPs, I read a variety of SCPs, including the occasional Keter SCP. Keter SCPs are anomalies or anomalous objects which are exceedingly hard to contain and their containment procedures are often highly complex. This can have a variety of reasons, for ...
26 Fantastic Safe SCPs Any SCP Fan Should Read
Safe SCPs are the second most common class of SCPs on the SCP-Wiki. When I put together my list of the best SCPs, I read quite a few of them. Safe SCPs are anomalies or anomalous objects which can easily and safely be contained. Their containment doesn’t require significant resources, ...
The 41 Best Euclid SCP Any SCP Fan Should Read
When I scoured the SCP-Wiki to put together my list of the best SCPs of all time, I came upon a multitude of Euclid SCPs. They describe anomalies or anomalous objects which require more resources to be safely contained, but whose containment isn’t always reliable. Euclid SCPs are the most ...
6 Neutralized SCP Any Fan Should Read
While putting together my list of the best SCPs, I read a variety of SCPs, and also some who were neutralized SPCs. Neutralized SCPs describe objects that have lost their unusual properties. This can happen in a variety of ways, including the destruction of the object, the object’s death or ...
10 Fantastic Thaumiel SCPs Worth Reading
Thaumiel SCPs are the most interesting and the rarest class of SCPs out there. They are anomalies that are used by the SCP Foundation to contain or otherwise inhibit other anomalies or entities. When I put together my list of the best SCPs of all time, I read several Thaumiel ...
The 8 Best Apollyon SCPs on the SCP-Wiki
What are Apollyon SCPs? Apollyon is a containment class denoting a specific subset of SCPs, namely those who are impossible to contain or who will break irrevocably break containment. During my time on the SCP-Wiki and while creating my list of the best SCPs of all time, I read countless ...