Short Stories and Other Works of Fiction

Tonight, I Wasn’t the Only One Who Was Lost

You know those nights, don’t you? The ones when life gets a bit too real and when you can’t sleep because your head’s heavy with questions. What’s the meaning of life? What am I even doing here? Where do I want to be in ten years? Yeah, those. With a ...

Condom Run – How Getting Rubbers Saved My Life

Bringing a hot girl to my dorm room was not something I ever expected would happen to me. I’m not the popular type, never was. Hell, I’m a freaking nerd! Making out, however, felt great. Her lips were so soft, her kiss sensual, but domineering. She pushed me onto the ...

Cleaning at Night Just Ain’t Right

If you’d asked me ten years ago where I’d see myself now, it definitely wouldn’t have been working at a cleaning company. No, back then, I had higher aspirations. I even dropped out of school chasing some vague, unrealistic dream. After things didn’t work out, I had to accept the ...

A Needle in a Hay Stack

When I was a little boy, my two best friends, and I loved nothing more than to sneak into Old Herbert’s barn. Old Herbert had been a farmer all his life, one of the biggest in our small town. By now, though, he’d retired, and all that remained was an ...

Family in Black and White

I loved old black-and-white photographs from the day my mother showed me the old photo albums of my grandparents. These tiny images were like windows to a different time, a different world even. With fascination I marveled at the huge old farmhouse my family used to live in a century ...

The Bizarrie of Monsieur Delancey

Do you ever wonder why children see the world so differently? Why can they be so enchanted by the simplest and most mundane of things? I never bothered with things like this. Childhood was a thing of the past, and all its incredible sights had been replaced by logic and ...

Choose Your Own Adventure

It was one of those days. You know, the ones when you feel a little lost when you’re looking for something. It’s just that you don’t know what it is. Just a nagging, little voice in the back of your head. After all, just one of those days. As I ...

The Rules – Instructions on How to Succeed at Cat Sitting

My friend Josh was my polar opposite. He was a young successful entrepreneur and, frankly said, filthy rich. I on the other hand was a perpetual failure, who lived in a small one-room apartment, always looking to make it to the end of the month. While Josh owned a flourishing ...

I Was Offered 100.000 Euros to Beta-Test a New Piece of Virtual Reality Technology – Final Part

As I sat up in the grass, I realized that it had all been fake. The entire second reality, the insane Kitagawa and even the supposed brain damage I was suffering from. It had all been another part of their simulation. I grew angry before rage overtook me. “The fuck ...

I Was Offered 100.000 Euros to Beta-Test a New Piece of Virtual Reality Technology – Part 2

“What the hell are you talking about?” “You arrived here at our Munich facility this morning to test our new immersion rig.” With that, Dr. Kitagawa pointed at a different contraption. One I’d never seen before. It looked almost like a giant wheel a person could be strapped to. A ...

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