Woman in White
How do you react to someone calling out to you in the middle of the night? What if it happens in a dark, deserted street? With a mixture of worry and apprehension? That’s how I reacted. I jerked around and almost dropped the cigarette I’d lit.In my mind, I imagined ...
I Work at an Autobahn Service Area. Something Scares Me.
There’s something special about places frequented by vast amounts of people. I work at one such place, an Autobahn service area. It’s not exactly a nice job, but it isn’t so different from retail. We double as a gas station and a restaurant. So I mostly sit behind the counter, ...
A Few Days Ago, a Little Boy Appeared in Our Town
One morning, about a week ago, I noticed a commotion outside. A group of my neighbors had gathered which. They were talking to one another and pointing at something down the road. I was more than surprised. Nothing ever happened in a small town like ours. When I went outside ...
During Our Annual Village Fair, Our Entire Community Gets Together for a Game of By everyone, I mean everyone: from the youngest members, toddlers and babies still held by their mothers, to the oldest, those needing walkers and wheelchairs. These games have been held for as long as I can ...
The Cow King
When people think of their first pet, they talk about dogs or cats. For me, however, it was a cow. Now, Lina wasn’t my cow, of course. She was one of many my grandpa owned. Years ago, when I was a young boy, I spent the long weeks of summer ...
Paper Magic
Our annual village fair was always a magical place for me, but one year, I should witness some real magic. The fair wasn’t as big as others, but to a kid like me, it didn’t matter. A variety of stalls lined the road through our village. One of the local ...
When I Was a Boy I Found an Abandoned Tree House
Marlene was my very first friend, as well as my first love. When I grew up, I had no real friends. I guess I was a bit too odd. I was always dreaming, had my head in the clouds, and was living in a world of my own. During summer ...
Uncle Robert’s Basement
Nobody ever expects to find themselves in a ghost story. Yet, I always had a lingering feeling I’d one day find myself in one. The reason was simple, basements. I hate them, always have. I don’t know where this apprehension came from, but they’ve always made me anxious. It didn’t ...
Ms. Granger’s Collection
I hated Ms. Granger’s collection from the moment I laid eyes on it. The old lady was the latest in my long line of patients. I’m a caregiver, the live-in type. I’d been working in the field for a decade when I got to know Ms. Granger. She was a ...
Family in Black and White
I loved old black-and-white photographs from the day my mother showed me the old photo albums of my grandparents. These tiny images were like windows to a different time, a different world even. With fascination I marveled at the huge old farmhouse my family used to live in a century ...