Marty the Lizard Boy
Marty was obsessed with lizards. No, not dinosaurs, not dragons, just those tiny, four-legged, slithering things. I don’t know when or why it started. One day, out of nowhere, lizards were all he talked about. Marty was an odd kid, one who didn’t seem to fit in, and who was ...
The Legend of Long Legged Larry
It was my cousin Bill who first told me about the Legend of Long Legged Larry. Bill and I used to be best friends, and I always spent the long, hot weeks of summer in his small town in the middle of nowhere. In 2002, however, things changed. I guess ...
The Wailing of Willow Way
Terrance Brown had always been in love with ghost stories. He would scour our town in search of any and all rumors regarding the supernatural. Yet, our town was small, tiny even, and its few inhabitants shared nothing resembling even the most normal rumors or urban legends. Ghost stories or ...
Severin’s Hill
When we’re kids, we all believe to be invincible, immortal even. My friends and I were no different. We all thought we were at the center of the universe. We had high aspirations, wanting to be scientists, doctors or astronauts. I was the only one to ever get close to ...
The Greenhouse
As a kid, there was no time I looked more forward to than summer. It meant no school, of course, but it also meant going back to my home village. I grew up there, but once I got into second grade, my parents moved to the city. I didn't hate ...
What Lies Beyond the Cornfields
They call childhood the happiest time of your life. This was true for me too, at least until a specific day. After that nightmares, guilt and therapy replaced my happiness. I grew up in a small rural community. It used to be one of the many small farming communities of ...
Mushroom Hunting
Memory. It’s such a strange thing. We never truly forget, it’s only the connections that erode and eventually vanish. Yet, if we’re able to restore the connections, then we also get back the memory, we thought lost. The process can be triggered by returning to places of significance. We might ...
Alexander the Magnificent’s Magnificent Puppet Show
Over two decades ago, when I was ten years old, I saw Alexander the Magnificent’s Magnificent Puppet Show. What happened back then still haunts me to this day. It was summer break, and I was as typical as a ten-year-old boy could’ve been. Ever since I was in second grade, ...
The Gorgon
Have you ever seen someone so disgusting and ugly it makes you gasp for air? I did. As a kid there was an old woman, living in the next town over that had the more than fitting name ‘The Gorgon’. I first heard about her from friends living in the ...